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Terms and Conditions
The information on our Website is provided for general information only. Although we (Myndly) make reasonable efforts to update the information on our Website, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, complete or up-to-date.
All product content is written in British English spelling.
Our tools have been curated by psychologists. However, they are not intended to be a therapeutic tool or intervention, or to replace the advice of your health professional(s).
Intellectual Property
Unless otherwise stated, all Intellectual Property (IP) in connection with the Products and any services provided by us belong and are the sole property of Myndly, including all content, any website, trademark or trade name, logo, text and graphics, and you agree that you will not infringe any such rights in any way.
Product Images
Images of our Products on the Website are intended as a guide and the actual Product(s) may differ slightly in some respects. All weights and dimensions given are approximate.