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About us
We believe you can do great work and feel goodt... But only if you know how to balance ambition and self care in a way that's more impactful and sustainable (not based on trends or fads).
And that's where we come in...
We're redefining personal and professional development with style and substance.
We curate tools, inspired by the best of science to boost performance, productivity, happiness, and wellbeing. Things to use (and keep) in your workspace, and at home so you can flourish at work and in life.
This is myndly.

Our Founder
Welcome — I'm so grateful you're here!
I'm Kirsten: Founder and Psychologist (... Author and Board Advisor). I'm an introvert, a deep thinker, and always wondering whether there's a better way to do things, particularly at work. I've always been curious about how we can be better ... How we can work (and live) a way that's more balanced, deliberate, and intentional.
I've spent more than ten years' working in corporate. I've worked for large consulting firms (including Big 4) and partnered with many organisations (public, private, not-for-profit, and government) helping them do their best work. I've also lectured at an MBA-level, teaching 'personal and professional development' to very senior leaders (including CEOs and entrepreneurs).
My expertise? Organisational psychology (the science of doing great work) and positive psychology (the science of happiness and wellbeing). I love what I do, and do what I love. But after many years of experience, I've spotted an opportunity to do things differently....
So many organisations are doing wonderful things when it comes to work and wellbeing. But so much of this isn't working in a way that's impactful and sustainable. Think about it... Why, despite all these well-meaning intentions, are so many of us (still) burning out? Why are we more exhausted and run-down than ever? Why are so many of us disengaged and unmotivated? Are the “solutions” we’re offered overly focused on tick-in-the-box initiatives? Perhaps they’re just interesting ideas covered in an occasional workshop or program? Maybe they feel too “fluffy” and impractical? Or perhaps they focus more on maximising organisational performance rather than self care...?
My mission is take the best of the science and transform it into aesthetically designed tools for balancing ambition and self care. Things that will make you flourish personally and professionally. Think beautiful stationery-like essentials for your workspace and your home. Things that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. I want to make psychology (more) accessible for personal and professional development in a format that you want to use (whether you're a CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, leader, manager or individual contributor).​
This is myndly (pronounced mind-lee). It's a way of 'being' — at work and in life — inspired by an understanding of psychology (the mind). And it's an approach to working and living that is balanced, deliberate, and intentional.
- Kirsten Forgione
BA (Psychology, Honours), MPsych (Organisational), Dip (PosPsych), MAPS​