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New Starter Gifts. A Modern Onboarding Essential.

Think about the last time you started a new job: the excitement, the exhaustion, the awkwardness.

That feeling of not knowing who’s who, what you’re doing, or where to find what you need.

If you started a new job during the pandemic, you might have received a new-starter gift — a cute, little something, delivered for your first day.

And whilst they used to be something the big, progressive organisations did to stand-out from the crowd, they’ve now become a modern onboarding essential.

Ten reasons why the new-starter gift has become a modern onboarding essential.

New-starter gifts:

  1. Set the tone for a positive workplace experience.

  2. Reinforce the organisation’s culture.

  3. Inspire the individual’s best work.

  4. Spark feelings of excitement and engagement.

  5. Show appreciation for the individual that has chosen to work with you

  6. Help the transition and adjustment.

  7. Recognise the individual’s efforts through the recruitment process.

  8. Build trust and rapport.

  9. Make the individual feel part of the team.

  10. Promote brand advocacy.

A new starter gift is your chance to make an incredible first impression. To really shape the employee journey. It’s your chance to put your best foot forward, to represent yourself and the organisation, and set the tone for the working relationship.

But picking the perfect gift needs careful consideration. It’s not as simple as sending branded stationary, the latest business book or some chocolate. It needs to be:

  • Thoughtful – something that’s relevant. For instance, a voucher for the local cafe.

  • Inspiring – something that makes the employee want to do their best work. Maybe a card sort activity for identifying their values or their strengths.

  • Memorable – something that they can keep. Perhaps, a reusable coffee cup or a plant.

  • Practical – something that’s easy to use – like a journal, or a planner.

  • Consistent  – something that fits with your brand. If you’re all about wellness, you probably won’t be gifting new starters sugary treats. Just like if you’re a paperless organisation, you won’t be gifting new starters pens or note pads!

And remember, new starter gifts are no longer considered extravagant and indulgent – rather, a modern onboarding essential.

Our tools and kits tick all the boxes! They're thoughtful, inspiring and practical – and they're memorable (something you can do over and over again). If you're brand is modern, sleek and timeless, these are your perfect match!

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